Shape your own untroubled life.
Intimate matters also influence our sense of well-being and our health. Even today some illnesses, vaginal yeast infections for example, are associated with shame and uncertainty and can have a negative effect on the way we feel and on our relationships.
Vagiflor® – your partner for intimate health, providing you with comprehensive information on women’s health. You will find many answers in our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). We will treat personal concerns, of course, with discretion and confidentiality. Take the opportunity to get in contact with us.
You can ask us anything at any time, with confidence. We are there for you.
Your Vagiflor® team
Bacterial vaginosis refers to an imbalance in the physiological vaginal environment.
Protective lactobacilli can support the healing process and prevent a recurrence of the illness.
The symptoms of a bladder infection are very unpleasant. The infection is mostly the result of bacteria building up in the urethra and urinary tract.
In many cases, natural treatment or prevention with D-Mannose is suitable.
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Infection of the genital area is often the result of a weakened immune system and accompanied by unbearable itching.
Treatment with clotrimazole is well-established.
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Full of love – free of worry.
A very special time in a woman’s life.
For many women, pregnancy is one of the most emotional and poignant experiences they ever have. It is a time of joyous anticipation, excitement and change. An inner love grows over months, and associated with that love is the care for the tiny life that you now bear responsibility for. The expectant mother’s immune system is working for two. Healthy and powerfully defensive genital flora is now especially important. Protective lactobacilli like Vagiflor® support the body’s natural defence mechanisms. Recognising changes in the pH level early increases your chance of avoiding possible complications. Our vaginal pH test allows you to check it yourself. Enjoy carefree anticipation – we will help you.
Particular attention must be paid to bacterial vaginosis, because this can encourage the development of infections. It can also cause premature delivery, so comprehensive monitoring is especially important during pregnancy.
Continually recurring urinary tract infections are not only extremely unpleasant, they also impact on our daily life and, like any infection, they are a burden for the body.
Vagiflor has been your partner when it comes to genital and women’s health for more than 25 years. With our experience and expertise, we will support you in prevention (CARE), acute treatment (MED) and aftercare (BALANCE). Our comprehensive product portfolio provides you with naturally effective and safe treatment options in all areas.
Our portal for genital health provides you with easily understood information on strengthening and regenerating healthy vaginal flora, topics related to women’s health and current preventive recommendations. We are focused on common conditions such as bladder infections, vaginal yeast infections and an imbalance in the physiological environment, as seen in bacterial vaginosis. We also help you to take effective preventive measures.
You can ask us with confidence. We are there for you.
Vagiflor® – your partner for intimate health, providing you with comprehensive information on women’s health. You will find many answers in our FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). We will treat personal concerns, of course, with discretion and confidentiality. You can ask our Vagiflor team anything, in confidence. Use any of the different ways to contact us.